Health Physics
Radiation Safety Engineering, Inc. provides numerous Health Physics services to users of radiation producing equipment and radioactive materials.
Solubility Testing
This firm has developed new methods for determining the solubility of uranium and transuranics on breathing zone air samples. The new method has improved sensitivity and significantly reduced the cost to perform the analysis. The new method is described in the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG/CR-6419. The method was used to determine the uranium solubility profiles through each stage of an operating uranium plant and improve their internal dosimetry results.
For a price quote on this analysis, please call (480) 897-9459.

Sealed Source Leak Checks
The state of Arizona, as well as many other states, require all sealed sources with activities greater than 100 microcuries to be checked for leakage. The frequency of the leak checks are stated in each facility’s radioactive materials license. Typical schedules are biannually, annually or every three years.
Sealed sources must be reported if the leakage exceeds 0.005 microcuries. The counting facility at Radiation Safety Engineering has the ability to detect much lower level of radiation, making it an ideal choice for all leak checking needs. Call or send an email to obtain a leak check kit. Please include name, company, address, etc., as well as the type of source and frequency of check.
The price for each leak test is $42.00 ($38.00 each for quantities over 20), including test results.
Survey Meter Calibrations
RSE facilities also include a calibration range, employing a Cs-137, and NIST traceable standards for specific isotope calibrations. Standards for most common isotopes used in industry and medicine are available.
The price for a meter calibration is $100.00. Pen Type Pocket dosimeters may also be checked for $100.00 for up to six dosimeters.
The firm is also actively involved in radiation detection and Health Physics research activities.
As a result of both practical and research activities, RSE scientists have published numerous papers. Some of the more recent papers on Health Physics and Radiochemistry topics may be found in the Papers tab on the main page.
Radon Testing
Radiation Safety Engineering, Inc., provides charcoal canister radon testing using the standard EPA diffusion barrier canister, which may be used for a two to seven day testing period. All of our tests are counted within 48 hours of receipt and reports are generated daily. For our counting system we use 3 x 3 inch NaI crystals with teflon dividers and shield them with four to six inches of lead and 0.5 inch of pre WW-II steel to maintain a low background. With a six day delay, our lower limit of detectability is <0.5 pCi/l of Rn-222. Our NRPP Laboratory Certification Number is 109796 AL.
Our price includes the analysis and the report. Custom instruction sheets and computer data links for rapid transfer of results are available at no extra charge for studies.
The price for each canister test kit is $40.00, including test results. The price is $35.00 per test for 20 test kits or more.